الأربعاء، 18 يوليو 2012

في الاتحاد قوه و التفرق ضعف

أعوذ بالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 و به نستعين  

 الحمد لله حمدا طيبا مباركا فيه كما يحب ربنا و ينبغي له

  الحمد لله حمدا  يوافي  نعمه و يكافئ مزيده 

 الحمد لله حمدا يليق بجلال وجهه و عظيم سلطانه 

و الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد بن عبدالله و على آله و صحبه أجمعين

من وجهة نظري

 أظن إن البركة انتزعت من المسلمين بعد إعلان إسرائيل عن مملكتها الكبرى من النيل الى الفرات سنة 1948

نعم البركة رفعت و الدليل

تعاير و تنابز و تقاتل بين أفراد المدينة الواحده بسبب المذهب  او بسبب سلطة الكرسي او بسبب الطمع و البخل و الجشع و إحتكار الغذاء و الدواء و الوظائف الحكوميه و الدراسة الجامعية على فئة معينه من ابناء القبائل و ابناء الهناقره و الهوامير

الجهل  و الامية

الفقر و البطالة

المرض و الجوع و الشعوذه

الجور و الفساد و الظلم و الرشاوي

انتشار الزنى و المخدرات و الخمور و الربا

كلها أسباب  أدت الى التفكك و التشرذم و التطرف و التشدد

لولا هذه الاسباب لما وقعت الانقلابات في افغانستان و الصومال و ليبيا و العراق سوريا و مصر و اليمن و البحرين و تونس و الجزائر و سلطنة عمان

للاسف الشباب العاطل يعتقد ان النصراني و الشيوعي و الاشتراكي و الصهيوني  يساعده و يبذل الغالي و النفيس من اجل سواد عيونه

و هو لا يدري ان كل ماحصل و سيحصل من اجل  مص البترول و الغار و الذهب و النحاس و الزمرد  و الياقوت و تصديره الى دول الغرب بثمن بخس  و من اجل تفكيك الوطن العربي الى 88 دوله  و بذلك يموت الجيش القوي    تموت الحمية للاسلام و السلمين و يخبوا  الوطن العربي الكبير

الخميس، 14 يونيو 2012

الزوجة العربية العصريه

The modern ARABIC wife

A good wife is like  a university – the teacher of the new generation – or in other word – a woman is the unique rose that emits the fragrant perfume of love – peace – happiness – and faithfulness to this world

The literate mother is better than the illiterate – because the literate mother rises thoughtful – respectable and conscientious generation – though we all know – a woman is the corner stone of any society – but malcontented people have started raising  their ugly faces and voices leading to worse behavior in ISLAMIC countries - in the past few years -  to encourage woman to leave their kingdom and their children to work out side the house  - but these queens who left their kingdoms  and children  did not  know that these bad men wanted nothing more than their attractive bodies  - these days – a lot of  wives have lost their husbands – children – dignity – modesty – and their peace of mind under the name of woman's liberation  - see how many new disease afflict this world because of these damn things :

( freedom )  ( new civilization ) ( computer era ) and ( woman liberation )  - sometimes I see some sweet pretty ladies show off their beauty to people in the streets and offices instead of saving  it for their hones faithful husband

I advise the beautiful rose is to take care of your self – follow the pure and just rules of your religion – obey your parents righteous request – do not do any thing  that you will regret in this life  or the next – also  do not trust anyone who don't  respect himself or his religion – culture and his parents – you must know   that your honor is the only thing that you have – if you lost it once it won't  return  to you again – you are a pearl and your honor is a diamond  if you break it once you cannot return it to its original condition a gain  -  believe me O  EVE – a good man cannot accept getting married to a woman who has slept with him  - or with a nother person  even if he promises her that they will get married – if she sleep with him  - after he get his pleasure from her beautiful eyes and sexy body  - he will throw  her away and will go to  have fun  with other girls – if you are not poor  and you donot need to work in factory or restaurant so stay at home take care of your kingdom – teach your children good behavior  manners and dignity – love your good husband  - show him your love  -laugh smile sing dance respect and look after him – you should know that your house is the paradise of your husband and you are his beautiful princess – a good woman will raise a good family  and every family is part of its society  as every community is part of the county  thus  a strong country is one which has more literate people than other countries

Now you knew who is the loser of this dirty game   that’s right   only the female   just  think  when this pretty rose becomes old and faded  is there anyone who will smell it ?  Of course not – since the flower is beautiful everyone likes to smell it  - but  when it becomes old and withers   who do you think will care for it ? Her disco friends? certainly not  - but her husband  - grandchildren  - relatives  will – and at that time she will be a queen and will enjoy  the pleasures of  a happy and peaceful  life  - so don't be the loser in this dirty game >  do you know why your husband want you to cover your lovely hair – your attractive body ? because you are something unique and dear for him – you are like  a pure precious diamond – you are like pure real gold and pure honey  - so he want you to save your beauty for him only – not to show it off to people in a street – thus you protect your honor – modesty – dignity from the sick hearts – depraved eyes of the sic k bad people from Jealousy Envy Snitching Backbiting  gossip And perjury  

Finally : don't let false – empty  promises of liberation cheat and betray you and make you lose everything -  you should know  that a female real beauty is not in her beautiful face  - nice voice – beautiful eyes – attractive shape  - but in her good manners – useful knowledge – open mind – pure soul and tender heart 

الأربعاء، 13 يونيو 2012

صحة الجسم و صحة سمعة القبيله

Life is beautiful – health is a very important gift from ALLAH to human being – the wise person should protect this gift from harmful diseases  and should not neglect this precious gift -  he should eat and drink healthy  right food  - not use drugs – not smoke – not drink alcohol – some time some people make these dangerous mistakes  because of following ridiculous reasons :  ( they don't have decent friends who will advise and show them right  from  wrong  )  ((  they like to imitate their bad friends behavior to show them that they are manly so their friends will depend on them and respect them )) –((( they have peer pressure which can lead them into  the world of vice )))  (((( T.V. and movies have big influence on the behavior of people because of commercials and actors personalities shown ))))  ((( the bad dealers who desire to be very rich not taking account the good manner – morals – health and safety of the people and the country )))  ((( the bad example of parents – parents might encourage their children to be bad people  by their own example – or they were too tough on them for every small mistake – specially if this child is punished for doing some thing that his parents do – which is prohibited to him ))

( before any one acquires bad habits they should ask themselves : what are the good – useful – proud and reasonable results that I will obtain from these actions  for my self – my status – my religion – my time – my health my tribe – my manners youth honor and dignity .