الأربعاء، 13 يونيو 2012

صحة الجسم و صحة سمعة القبيله

Life is beautiful – health is a very important gift from ALLAH to human being – the wise person should protect this gift from harmful diseases  and should not neglect this precious gift -  he should eat and drink healthy  right food  - not use drugs – not smoke – not drink alcohol – some time some people make these dangerous mistakes  because of following ridiculous reasons :  ( they don't have decent friends who will advise and show them right  from  wrong  )  ((  they like to imitate their bad friends behavior to show them that they are manly so their friends will depend on them and respect them )) –((( they have peer pressure which can lead them into  the world of vice )))  (((( T.V. and movies have big influence on the behavior of people because of commercials and actors personalities shown ))))  ((( the bad dealers who desire to be very rich not taking account the good manner – morals – health and safety of the people and the country )))  ((( the bad example of parents – parents might encourage their children to be bad people  by their own example – or they were too tough on them for every small mistake – specially if this child is punished for doing some thing that his parents do – which is prohibited to him ))

( before any one acquires bad habits they should ask themselves : what are the good – useful – proud and reasonable results that I will obtain from these actions  for my self – my status – my religion – my time – my health my tribe – my manners youth honor and dignity .  

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